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Regina apiarium

The Botanical Garden supports Fondo Ambientale Italiano (FAI) for bees protection project by placing hives in protected places, hosting some hives.

FAI collaborates with the Abbey of San Paolo fuori le Mura on an apiary repopulation project for the city of Rome. The initiative consists in inserting hives near the protected green areas within the Capital; in this perspective, Rome keeps abreast with the major world metropolises.

The “Urban Beekeeping” project was proposed by the director Diaco starting from 2019.
The idea is to identify areas that can accommodate at least four hives, in order to establish an apiary. The places considered thus enter into itineraries, activities and visits that enhance them.  
The fundamental objective of the projec is the urban repopulation of bees of native Lazio species, ensuring pollination.

The care and supply of the swarms is borne by the Abbey of San Paolo with the Federation of Italian Beekeepers, as well as the insurance converage of each hive. FAI will take care of th management of the activities, of the cultural itineraries and of the promotion of the project.

Other potentially useful places to host hoves are:
- Giardini Segreti di Villa Borghese;
- Villa Magistrale Ordine di Malta;
- Convento San Bonaventura al Palatino;
- Semenzaio di San Sisto Vecchio.