GENMEDA (Network of Mediterranean Plant Conservation Centres) aims at fostering plant conservation centres from the Mediterranean region to run both ex-situ and in-situ joint and coordinated actions. This cooperation allows developing common methodologies, applied technical and scientific know-how and information-sharing. At the moment, the network involves local and regional authorities, national bodies, universities and research centres from 12 different EU and non-EU countries in the Mediterranean basin.
The mission is to contribute to the conservation of Mediterranean flora genetic resources through the following objectives:
- Enhancement of human capital, equipments and methodologies to boost flora conservation applied knowledge.
- Harvesting of most threatened species genetic materials and creating, as far as possible, living plant collections.
- Creation of a virtual common collection of vegetal genetic and reproduction materials.
- Planning of joint initiatives concerning flora conservation and/or management
- Backing-up the making-decision processes of flora conservation public policies
- Support of environmental education and public awareness on biodiversity conservation.