The Botanic Garden of Rome is working on the realization of a forest nursery. The nursery deals with the collection for the purpose of nursery production, marketing of forest material intended for reforestation, to wood farming, naturalization and, at the end, land development.
On the day of the 14th january 2022, ended the potted stage of seeds collected in the woods of Palo Laziale and Castelporziano. 4400 seeds were planted and housed in a specially designated area within the garden.
The plants, autochthonous and of controlled origin, will be involved in works of urban forestation in Rome and in the neighbouring cities.
The Forest nursery project is taken care of the Botanic Garden of Sapienza – Department of Environmental Biology, in particular by Vito Emanuele Cambria, Massimo Reverberi and Marzia Beccaccioli. Some guys of Sapienza have also contribueted to the project, including: Dario La Montagna, Emile Amman, Vikram Iozzo, Carlo Fratarcangeli, Francesca Buffi, Virginia Chiara Cuccaro, Ilaria Panero and Michele De Sanctis.
Update on the activities of the forest nursey - 6 june 2022
The planting of the seedlings produced in the forest nursey of the Botanical Garden at the headquarters of new partners began a few days ago.
The new updates will be published shortly on all the channels of the Botanical Garden Museum.