Dal 24 al 30 ottobre, la sede storica dell’Orto Botanico di Roma ospiterà l’evento Our Bio-Tech
Planet: Future of Plants and Humans (OBTP), organizzato da Art and Science Node in collaborazione
con numerosi partner internazionali. OBTP è un evento interdisciplinare che chiama scienziati, artisti
e pubblico ad affrontare l'urgente questione della crisi ambientale e sociale, cercando soluzioni
attraverso l'innovazione, imparando dalle strategie e dalla sapienza delle piante. La relazione futura
tra uomini e piante, nutrizione e agricoltura, salute, scienza e narrazioni culturali, biotecnologie e
sostenibilità sono tra i principali temi trattati.
L’evento prevede un’esposizione artistica comprendente opere realizzate da noti artisti
internazionali in collaborazione con scienziati e laboratori scientifici. L’esposizione sarà
accompagnata da conferenze e dibattiti interdisciplinari, performance live, workshop e altre attività
relative al mondo dell’arte e della scienza.
Our Bio-Tech Planet: Future of Plants and Humans si prefigge di affrontare questioni urgenti
attraverso strategie di comunicazione innovative in cui l'arte diventa linguaggio di espressione
scientifica. Sguardi passati e futuri, scienziati e artisti, uomini e piante, cercheranno insieme di
svelare: quale sarà il futuro di piante e esseri umani?
Museo Orto Botanico di Roma
24 ottobre - 30 ottobre 2022
Vernissage: 24 Ottobre, ore 15:00 - 21:30
Ingresso tutti i giorni dalle 9:00 alle 18:30, incluso nel biglietto del Museo Orto Botanico
General Curatorial Statement
We find ourselves at a crucial moment. Climate change, the degradation of natural resources,
including air and soil quality, and a growing human population put our global, societal and
environmental systems - our future - under serious threat. How can we steer the ecological collapse
curve towards a viable, acceptable future for plants and humans? How can we prevent further
crises? Looking for inspiration and effective solutions, we turn to plants, to Biotech, to AI and more.
Through plants, we can learn the previously unknown and correct our mistakes. Through Biotech, we
can drive plants and humans to the future. Through AI, we can gain efficient support for our mission.
By opening our minds and responsibly developing the boundless possibilities of technology, we hope
to sustain Our Bio-Tech Planet and the Future of Plants and Humans.
The Our Bio-Tech Planet: Future of Plants and Humans (OBTP) event brings together a broad
international and multigenerational group of innovators and experts in the fields of art, food, health
and agriculture in Rome's historic Botanic Gardens to begin a new constructive dialogue with the
vegetable realm.
How can we use innovation in biotechnology to access the power of plants and forge a better
future for us all?
OBTP sprouts from a five-year-long collaboration between ASN and our 16 partners in the EU
Horizon 2020 supported Chicory Innovation Consortium (CHIC) which offers a platform for
interdisciplinary collaborations between top EU scientists, artists, food experts and the general
public. The intercultural, cross-disciplinary art/science/technology event invites us to reflect upon
the interdependence of plants and humans and our combined future through daily panel discussions
and workshops, live performances and an art exhibition, including Rhizosphere: The Big Network of
Small Worlds.
Vegetation systems and biodiversity, the future of agriculture, nutrition and health, Genetic
Modification (GMO) and New Plant Breeding Techniques (NPBTs), life on another planet and
interspecies communication are thrown into focus through this varied, interactive event. Artworks
that span from molecular orchestration to novel “Urplflanze”, sensual interactions to virtual
intelligent networks, and micro-landscapes to interstellar wondering will cover ground-breaking
innovations and invite the public to engage in relevant, contemporary discussions, expanding
imaginations and inspiring bold visions.
Our Bio-Tech Planet: Future of Plants and Humans dares to seek answers to uncomfortable questions
through innovative communication strategies in which art becomes the language of scientific
expression. Together, scientists and artists; humans and plants; the past and the future will try to
What next for the Future of Plants and Humans?